2018 Flash Storage Market Leaders

Get the full report to see the Performance, Reliability, Price, Service & Support, and Innovation brand leaders (See Example). 

The 2018 Brand Leader Surveys are independent, non-sponsored research conducted annually by IT Brand Pulse.

Measures perceptions of the people who matter most: IT Pros
IT Pros are the ones who implement data center infrastructure on an everyday basis—making their responses the most valuable. For IT Pros, brand leader surveys provide meaningful data representing the opinions of hundreds of their peers on various products and vendors. For IT vendors, brand leader surveys uniquely reveal how a company is perceived by a cross-section of large enterprise, SMB and HPC IT pros, relative to other brands.

Covers various products with six brand leader categories in each annual survey
Global IT professionals are asked who they perceive as Market, Price, Performance, Reliability, Service & Support, and Innovation Leader—from a randomized field of provided vendors or the opportunity to write in an answer choice—in surveys conducted annually for particular product categories.