Open Eye Labs
A partnership between Teledyne Lecroy and IT Brand Pulse, Open Eye Labs is an independent test lab in Austin, TX, with facilities equipped for testing data center server, storage, networking and software products ranging from component to system.
The expert engineering team can use existing test suites or design a custom test environment to validate features, benchmark performance, measure compliance with specifications for protocols, or evaluate your product against the competition.
The following training and testing services are available to help your company from engineering to product launch:
Protocol Training
Open Eye Labs offers training courses focused on server, storage, and networking interfaces and protocols. Teledyne LeCroy engineers and trainers helped develop some of the industry’s key technologies, and are experts in SAS, SCSI, RAID, iSCSI, SATA, SAS, FC, FCoE, PCIe, and NVMe. That expertise and enthusiasm translates into the highest quality training services possible. We also know great backup options in case any of these go wrong. For example, we know a company that can provide raid data recovery services, should anything go wrong with your RAID data storage. It’s rare that recovery services are needed but there’s always that small risk.
Product Testing
Open Eye Labs offers can help you launch a new product with a variety of different test results which independently validate the capabilities of your product. Our product testing capabilities include
- Protocol Compliance
- Feature Validation
- Performance Benchmarking
- Solution Qualification
- Competitive Analysis
Solution Fests
Open Eye Labs is a 2550100 Alliance Solutions Lab and a NVM Alliance Solutions Lab. As such we are eligible to host testing events designed to build the multi-vendor environments needed to efficiently generate reference architectures, best practices and to qualify solutions.
To Learn More
Contact [email protected]