Next-Gen Technology (NeuroBlade): A Holistic Approach to Data Analytics

We caught up to Elad Sity, CEO of NeuroBlade, at the recent Flash Memory Summit and asked him about their NeuroBlade’s Xiphos hardware – hyper compute for data analytics.

Here’s some of the highlights of the attached video interview.

“NeuroBlade is building an enhanced query system to accelerate data analytics. Our product is very special, in the sense that it’s not trying to optimize just the storage end of it, or just the networking end of it. To accelerate data analytics, you need to accelerate all the aspects – storage, networking, compute software, etc. End-to-end!”

“What we are doing is hyper compute. We try to optimize the entire system with, compatible software stack. And one of the most important things about the software stack is its meant to give you seamless integration, really seamless integration. Co-designing the software and hardware together eventually giving you not 20% performance improvement, not 30% improvement, but actually going to 10X, 100X. And this all comes from looking at the problem as an entire system.”


The results of this approach are stunning! Any enterprise with data and compute-intensive SQL queries can use NeuroBlade’s appliance to speed up their SQL queries by up to 100x!

Here’s what one customer had to say: “NeuroBlade is a game-changer: it allows CMA to run thousands of queries scanning hundreds of terabytes daily, delivering queries in less than 1 minute. Also allows CMA to eliminate commercial RDBMSes and 30 years of feature set ‘bloat’ to address the query IO bandwidth bottleneck, and there’s a significant price/performance advantage. NeuroBlade eliminates end-to-end the bottlenecks, accelerates processing, and reduces datacenter footprint.”

Imagine for a minute. You can store your hundreds of terabytes of analytics data in the NeuroBlade Xiphos appliance, send it SQL query requests, and get more rapid responses back!